May all beings have enough to eat and a safe place to live. May
all beings be happy and healthy. May all
beings live peacefully and know Universal LOVE.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Harvey’s Wisdom – Destiny’s Embrace
As the first day of the week-end
workshop came to a close and parting hugs were exchanged, Harvey paused before accepting my hug. He
explained his cultural/spiritual belief that a hug is an agreement of sorts to meet in the next life. The concept instantly
resonated with me; and over the next few days as it percolated within, it took
hold in my consciousness as soul significant. It stands to reason, at least in
my frame of reference, that the closer a person is to another and the more
hugging that takes place between them, the closer their bond in the next
incarnation. Of course, one must be partial to the idea of reincarnation in
order to appreciate the hugging effect.
I take pleasure in
pondering the many huggers and huggees who’ve blessed my life: my family of origin, husband, children,
childhood friends (YaYas), spiritual friends (Gopis), my BFF, Swami, Shaman,
work buddies, and celebs including Krishna Das, Deva Premal and Miten. Though
concerns do occasionally arise when I contemplate the embrace of individuals I
might prefer to avoid in future lives, I remind myself that dense karmic
residue is always an opportunity for healing. And so it is.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I Am Happy I Am Not A Pilgrim Child
I am happy I am not a Pilgrim child,
Pilgrim children had to do a lot of chores.
They fetched water, firewood, berries, and wild plants.
They helped cook, clean, plant, and harvest crops.
They had to bow to the adults.
They had to serve their parents before they ate.
They slept on mattresses stuffed with straw on the floor.
They took a bath a few times a year (Pee Ew!)
Hornbook |
I am happy I am not a Pilgrim Child.
My sweet son wrote this original poem in 1999 and mounted it on a Hornbook when
he was in Mrs. Hannon's third grade class. It's still hanging in
our dining room. Looking at it, especially around Thanksgiving, reminds
me to be thankful for my family, friends, and hometown where my
children received a loving public education.
From me and mine to you and yours ~ May your Thanksgiving season be one of abundance and LOVE.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Calendars Shmalendars
Humankind the world over
clearly disagrees about nearly everything - politics, science, culture,
religion, personal values, etc. You name it, there’s someone somewhere who will
refute it. Be it individual, national, global, and probably inter-galactic,
there’s variety in all thought and practice. How the coming year (2012) will
unfold and ultimately turn out is one of those trendy topics that people are
hotly debating.
Scholars acknowledge that
the Mayan “Long Count” Calendar marks the end of a 5,126 year period; however,
the implication of this is widely up for grabs. Astronomers seem to agree that
for the first time in 25,000+ years, during the winter solstice of 2012, the
sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way possibly disrupting
earthly energy. What this means, however, is open to worldly and otherworldly interpretation
as well. There are voluminous apocalyptic theories and expectations to go
around as well as hopes for a Christ initiated rapture… and that’s just for
In my personal world of
spiritual friends, gurus, and scholars who promote a luminously positive way of
thinking and being, we believe the ripening of a New Age will be the result of
a Loving and Peaceful Universal Consciousness. We are human; after all, so we
do the very best we can one breath at a time.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
* Meditation * Mantra * Music * Mandala *
Meditation entails any
practice used to quiet one’s mind thus enabling the practitioner to focus on
the present moment. Physical activities
including yoga, walking, running, sewing, cooking, etc. may focus the mind and
empty it of extraneous thoughts. Less physical activities including observance
of the breath, mantra meditation (the continuous chanting of a sacred sound or
phrase), and guided meditation (following auditory or visual prompts) are also
vehicles known to shift brain activity from a stress prone state to a
measurably calmer state of being. Meditation is a personal experience; what works
for one individual may not work for another.
My Gopi friends (gal pals
on a similar spiritual path) all meditate.
They are somehow able to sit quietly, often in lotus position, and empty
their minds seemingly at will. Now and again, there’s background music
conducive to attaining an altered state of consciousness. I have what some yogis refer to as Monkey Mind, an overactive cerebral
condition which challenges the aspiring meditative mind to be still.
The meditation practice
that works best for me is chanting. When I’m singing Sanskrit mantras, it’s difficult
if not impossible for my mind to wander. Ram Dass, in his latest book be love now, impeccably states what I
know to be true from experience, “music has a unique ability to convey emotion,
and when it combines with the vibrational quality of a mantra, there is nothing
like it to bypass the mind and open a direct route to the heart.”
If you’re a tried and true
meditator or if you’ve not yet attempted it, the following meditation tools
just might work for you. Included herein are some of my favorite people and inspirations.
Click the links provided below for cd ideas, sample tracks, and more.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Status Update For Buddy
Buddy-Cloots-Baby has been
living comfortably next door since her cat-fight and neck injury. Her sutures
are dissolved, her fur is growing back, and the vet said she’ll soon forget her
former life as an adventurous outdoor kitty. Buddy-Bud (as my neighbor’s been
calling her) has the run of a large uncluttered house with plenty of places to play
and explore. She has toys. She eats home-cooked beef and chicken in addition to
her favorite dry cat food. There’s no doubt that Buddy-Bud is happier living with
Mary Ellen than with my family. She’s no
longer living the life of a tormented Cinderella forced to deal with the daily
hissy fits of two mean feline step-sisters (Jellie and Scratch). Life is good.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Blessed Be Beauty In A Bottle
Two years ago, in a moment
of bravado, I revealed my real age to Dr. Mehmet Oz on national TV. I was
exceedingly happy with his genuine look of surprise upon learning my harsh demographic
truth. He attributed some of my good fortune to good genes. My Mom and Dad both
had great skin and were on the thin side… thank Goddess!
Since Dr. Oz last saw me,
I’ve gained and lost the same five to ten pounds several times, my face has
more wrinkles, and I’m drier everywhere there’s skin. I fondly remember a
smoother, moister time –the pinnacle of estrogen. Am I uptight by the turn of events? Hell Yeah… what Everyday Goddess wouldn’t be?
I’ve recently started
considering my options for minimal facial restoration. There’s beauty in a
bottle, beauty in a syringe, and beauty under-the-knife. Given the fact, I’m afraid of needles and
scalpels, the alternatives are limited to state-of-the-art cosmetic remedies
all which promise dramatic results. But
do they?
The tray on my night table
currently contains: In An Instant products by Heidi Klum (Intensive Firming
Serum, Intensive Eye Treatment, Instant Wrinkle Smoother & Instant Warming
Scrub), wrinkle Revenge (antioxidant enhanced glycolic acid facial cleanser), Olay
Regenerist (micro-sculpting serum, DNA superstructure UV cream with SPF 30),
Dr. Robert Rey’s Inhibitox (Instant Wrinkle Erase with Active Exotics), Anew
Retexturizing Peel, Estee Lauder’s
Advanced Night Repair, and ROC (Deep Wrinkle Night Cream). So do they work?
The short answer is:
Maybe. Without the daily and nightly treatments (not strictly adhered to) I
might look drier and wrinklier. Given my
trepidations regarding physician assisted beauty, I’ll continue my quest for
the Holy Grail of anti-aging beauty products.
In the meantime, I’ll do the best with what I have – genetically and
cosmetically. Sooner or later, I’ll reluctantly redefine Boomer Beauty because
in my heart of hearts, I know that something-something will never again look
like thirty- something… and it’s not supposed to.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
It Takes A Village To Save A Cat
![]() |
How sweet is this little girl? |
The Christmas blizzard of
2010 turned our neighborhood into a frozen wasteland. My daughter looked out the front door at the
right and perfect time and saw the snow-covered stray walking up the street. She dashed out the door, scooped her up, and
brought her inside. Needless to say I worried
about diseases, fleas, and an uncivilized cat that didn’t know how to use a
litter box. Buddy (as our neighbor
called her) was quickly taken to the vet to assuage my feline/human health
concerns. My husband attended the check-up and registered her as Nona (short
for no name).
Buddy-Nona-Cloots (as my
daughter called her) lived with us all snowy winter despite the obvious protests
of Jellie and Scratch. The only peaceful place for our now multi-named kitty
was a secluded spot in the basement which our elderly mean girls couldn’t reach.
As the weather took a turn for the better, Clootsie (as I began calling her)
took to the streets during the daytime and returned nightly to my neighbor’s
house. Her latest adopted feline-step-sister
Lucky Lady was a lot more accepting than either Jellie or Scratch. I accepted
the change of address graciously and considered it an opportunity to practice
non attachment (a yoga principle).
roamed the neighborhood during the day and returned home (next door) most
nights to eat and sleep. A recent cat fight
left our little furry girl now with many names (and two families) wounded. I
took her to the vet who frowns upon outdoor pet life. Following an expensive
hospital stay to address a nasty bite to the neck (too close to her jugular for
comfort) and an abscess which required numerous stitches, our kitty has been
recuperating next door where she constantly whines to go outside.
We’re all hoping
Buddy-Nona-Cloots-Clootsie-Baby (the latest name) will learn to love the
security of indoor life where her daily adventures include looking out the
window. It’s more likely she’ll wait for
an opportunity to escape as she’s done before.
We can barely control our own destinies, how could we possibly direct
the fate of a cat with an agenda of her own?
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Beware: The “I”s of Intimacy
The “I” s of intimacy
(a.k.a interruptions) abundantly threaten relationships on a regular
basis. Naturally occurring “I”s can’t be
avoided no matter how much an individual or couple may try. Such is life. Many “I”s are obvious to all parties involved
while some remain hidden to self as well as others.
* Illness * Injury * Irritation * Immobility * Interference*
Illness and injury top the
list of impediments to intimacy. Obviously, when one partner is sick or hurt,
it’s plain to see how easily intimacy (physical or otherwise) dissipates. After all, a serious, painful, or life
threatening diagnosis freezes one in their tracks; and all eyes and ears become
focused on the circumstances. Limited
mobility, pain, and/or miscellaneous angst all too often declare a silent and
insidious war on otherwise loving partners; intimacy is collateral damage. Short or long term interruptions give way to A New Normal (not necessarily a good
When The “I”s of Intimacy
strike, there are steps you can take to preserve intimate companionship.
Consciously create a New Normal in which there’s always some physical
(and verbal) closeness. Even a tiny bit of intimacy goes a long way. If
one partner is in physical pain, for example, and can’t move around in a sexual
or sensual way… kissing, cuddling, hand holding, fondling, or stroking… to the extent it is possible… continually or
intermittently… maintains the connection.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Goodbye Summer
Autumn is officially upon
us, however, the remnants of summer (my favorite season) remain a while longer.
I love the warm weather, in part, for the abundance of attention-grabbing
visuals peeking out from bodies unencumbered by clothes and shoes. Greenwich
Village, NoHo, and Soho (where I’m happily
employed) is always teeming with an interesting array of tattoos and toes.
Body art is plentiful and
seemingly mainstream these days. Tatoos creatively express individuality and
are best enjoyed without judgment, a task easier said than done. I still
remember a drop-dead gorgeous woman conservatively dressed with a thick black
zipper tattoo up each arm from wrist to elbow. Beauty is obviously in the eye
of the beholder.
There were fewer
sandals on Broadway this week – gradually replaced by the latest closed-in
footwear. I find looking down at people’s feet irresistible. It’s not that I
have a foot fetish. I’m not turned on by
feet in a turned-on sense. I’m simply fascinated by the extraordinary assortment
of toes. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that some the most beautiful women
have the most unexpected toes.
Although I resist the
change of seasons with a less than happy attitude (winter is my least favorite
season), I will continue to enjoy the art show on the streets of New York City before cold
weather hides everything under wraps of cloth, fur, and leather.
Live each season as it
passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself
to the influences of each. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My Ecstatic enChanting Birthday Bash
This year I’ve decided to
celebrate each and every day during the month of my Virgo birthday by doing
something Goddessworthy. Spending time with loved ones in celebration of my
being is an easy given; but coming up with something meaningful and/or fun is a
daily challenge I heartily recommend.
My simple Everyday Goddess
pleasures have included work (with people I truly love), eating my favorite
foods (e.g. frozen yogurt and pizza), manicure, pedicure, and thoroughly enjoying
messages from my Facebook Friends.
I’m loving my presents (e.g. Ganesh
charm and sacred candles); although more importantly I’m appreciating the presence of family and friends.
am love.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Up All Night
Up All Night, the new comedy series, starring Christina Applegate, Maya Rudolph and Will Arnett is about new parents trying to balance their home life, work
life, and baby. I know all about being
up all night and trying to juggle personhood and parenthood. I fondly remember
years of on demand nursing (a.k.a. breast-feeding) my two darling children, our
family bed, immunizations, childhood diseases including the chicken pox they shared with me, and so on. After the
first five years of being a Mom, I completely forgot how to sleep through the
up all night has new meaning when your child is no longer that adorable infant
or toddler. Chronologically adult children bring new reasons to be Up All
* Up
All Night is when your child is away at school during a hurricane.
* Up
All Night is when your daughter has a date in a neighboring state with someone
you don’t know at all.
* Up
All Night is when your child is vacationing far from home with peers.
* Up
All Night is when you hear the refrain within your maternal DNA that asks,
“It’s ten o’clock; do you know where your children are,” and your don’t.
I’ve made some progress in the Not-Up-All-Night Department, I still have much
to learn. My dear friend Tina has been trying to teach me that FEAR is nothing
more than False Evidence Appearing Real. There’s
simply no good reason to worry unless there’s real reason to worry. Now doesn’t
that sound easy? Of course it isn’t; but I am trying… one sleepless night at a
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Semen – A Wonder Remedy For Depression?
Semen, according to
respectable scientists, contains substantial doses of natural feel-good chemicals
including endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, and melatonin. These erotic essences
are absorbed through the abundantly vascular vaginal wall during intercourse as long as
there’s no impediment (e.g. condom or coitus interruptus). This
is good news for women in monogamous relationships when fears of pregnancy or
disease are non issues.
Given the choice between a semen cocktail taken straight up a box of truffles, I’d unequivocally choose the chocolates every time.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Keeping Up With The Kardashians – Season Six
Yes, of course, I’m still
keeping up with the Kardashians. In
fact, I love, respect, and enjoy them now more than ever. While other reality TV shows promise
“backstabbing betrayal,” Keeping Up With
The Kardashians delivers a jigunda slice of Kardashian life that’s
chock-full of familial love, loyalty, glam, glitz, and bling.
My happy life as an everyday
goddess is the Kardashian’s polar opposite in the outer world. The K-Dolls
(Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall,
and Kylie) are all gorgeously stylish and fashionably put together, external qualities
I admire but lack. I haven’t a fashionista gene among my otherwise delightful
bits of DNA. This, however, in no way diminishes my appreciation of Kardashian razzle-dazzle
The Kardashians, Jenners,
Odums, et al are exquisite to watch in
their assorted domestic habitats, and in their varied roles as normal people
with celebrity professions. They’re seemingly fearless about divulging delicate
details; next-to-nothing is off limits. Take this season for example. Matriarch Kris Jenner broadcasts her pre-Kim’s-wedding
plastic surgery. Who else in Hollywood
would do this besides a Kardashian? What
else is NOT off limits besides a mini face-lift? How about menopause, incontinence, maternal
angst and pride? Oh yeah; and that’s just Kris who’s stunning throughout.
Love, Love, Love the Kardashians; and I’ll be keeping up with them for as long
as there’s something chichi to keep up with.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Is The Song In Your Head A Musical Hallucination?
Have you ever had a song
in your head that kept you singing (or thinking) the lyrics (or melody)
repeatedly? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. It could be harmless, OR it could be the result
of malfunctioning brain networks that normally allow us to perceive music. The
brain is amazing when it functions perfectly and is even more so when it
Fourteen years ago,
83-year-old Reginald King began having musical hallucinations following bypass
surgery. The array of pop tunes and
Christmas carols playing on his personal cerebral channel were both frightening
and frustrating and could neither be turned off nor tuned down. Eventually, he
was seen by Dr. Victor Aziz, one of two European researchers who had been studying
this phenomenon. Dr. Aziz and research partner Dr. Nick Warner found that
more than a third of their patients with musical hallucinations were deaf or
hard of hearing, women more often than men, and on average 78 years of age.
Dr. Aziz believes people
are more likely to hear songs (in their head) they’ve heard repeatedly. He
further speculates that musical hallucinations would become more common in the
future noting that, ‘”people today are awash in music from radios and
television.” Add to that the unwavering use
of iPods by people of all ages and there you have the makings of a musical
hallucination zoo (
So what does this mean for
me (and you)? I frequently listen to my
favorite music on the radio or cd player (driving here and there), my computer
(at work and home), and my beloved iPod (my commuting companion). I wonder if
my ritual music habits will eventually lead me to Nirvana or to some other
musical paradise…perhaps Gagavana? There are two songs currently playing on my
daily hit parade. Click on the blue
links below to see what they are.
What might make it to your
hallucinatory playlist if your musical brain networks begin to
malfunction? Please comment below; I’d
really LOVE to know.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
EDG Meets Kryon
My introduction to Lee
Carroll and his work with Kryon came two plus years ago when my BFF
synchronistically discovered them. At that time, my new agey interests were not
yet ready for Carroll or Kryon who then seemed way too woo-woo for me. Said BFF
attended a seminar which resonated with her spiritual
evolution. Kryon seminars and workshops are hosted domestically and
internationally by New Age thinkers including a United Nations group in NYC
(the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation).
Fast forward two plus
years and I’ve now read and loved two of Carroll’s books, The Journey Home and The
Parables of Kryon (both Hay House books about spiritual growth and
enlightenment). I’ve studied channeling and
I’ve been exposed to concepts which have further thinned the line
between mysticism and science. I was ready to attend the two-day interactive
seminar when it synchronistically appeared on my proverbial doorstep.
The Kryon team I had the
good fortune to meet consisted of Lee
Carroll (internationally known author and channeler of the angelic entity
Kryon), Dr. Amber Wolf
(transformational and quantum living healer), Dr. Todd Ovakaytis (enlightened physician & researcher), Robert Coxson (interdimensional musician,
facilitator, and healer), and Connie Okelberry (divinely inspired jewelry maker). The seminar brought together New Age concepts and quantum physics in a way that felt significantly main
My spiritual path includes developing my inner
(and outer) Goddess and a sensitivity to what is beyond the life I’m currently
living. Carl Jung once said, “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your
heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” My guess is that Kryon would agree. (Please click on the blue links and connect with Kryon and Connie)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Celebrity Goddess vs. Everyday Goddess
We see them in abundance
on the big and small screen, in the media, and seemingly everywhere; they're
Celebrity Goddesses. They’re often intelligent, talented, and charming. They’re
always dressed to the nines with perfect makeup to showcase their beauty. They work very hard; they’re ON whenever
they’re in public. They pay a high price for their celebrity; they have no
I love watching Celebrity
Goddesses. My favorites include Oprah, Lisa Ling, Ann Curry, Angelina Jolie,
Lady GaGa, and the Kardashians. I rejoice in the joys of celebrity goddessness;
I learn valuable lessons from them. There are obvious down-sides to celebrity.
They’re rarely alone publicly; they need an entourage and security. The
paparazzi stalk them and wait in evil anticipation of an ugly shot in which
they’re caught without make-up or with dimpled thighs on the beach.
We, the Everyday Goddesses
of the planet here, there, and everywhere go through life unnoticed and
unstalked by the media or crazy fans. We are free to go to the store without
makeup, in sweats, and with bad hair. We can freely enjoy life and share our
light with little muss or fuss.
I enjoy all Goddesses for
they evoke the energies of the Divine Feminine, each in our own way.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
25 Years Of Marital Bliss?
Who among us can claim 25
years of non-stop marital bliss? Surely not anyone I know, including myself. Marriage
is a challenging union between two diverse souls who’ve joined hands, hearts,
pocketbooks, and lives. It’s no wonder
so many marriages fail with the bevy of complications that naturally arise.
Finances, in-laws, health crises, children, and personal issues too often raise
their ugly heads and conspire against even the hardiest of couples.
In just a few days, my
honey and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We’ve faced
our share of challenges (to date) and thank Goddess we’re happily intact. During
the most trying times, we barely held onto ourselves and our marriage for dear
life as the whirlwind of living tossed us from here to there. I dedicate this
blog and all of the contents herein to my sweet husband of 25 interesting
years. May we be resilient and come
through the next 25 years with abundance and grace.
Good luck to married folks
in every corner of the globe. May you find happiness, harmony, peace, and roses
as you journey through life’s garden – and find it as prick-free as you can
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Be Prepared
The Boy Scout motto, “Be
Prepared,” is applicable to any endeavor. The better prepared you are, the more
likely your efforts will result in success.
A well stocked lover’s
basket should be readily available for any prospect. If you like toys, fill it with toys. If you need lubes, there are many with fun filled
promises (taste, tingle, and so forth). If you’ve prepared for some novel
nookie, by all means, don’t leave your new gadget, foam, or goodie somewhere out
of reach. When you and your partner are
already in the throws of passion, you won’t want to stop what you’re doing to
look for that brand new G-spot seeking vibrator you recently purchased. Likewise, if you and partner are up for some
Hershey’s Kiss Bliss, you’ll want to be prepared
Be prepared for life - to live happily and without regret, knowing that you have done your best. That's what the Scout motto means. (Excerpted from page 54, Boy Scout Handbook, 11th ed, (#33105), copyright 1998 by BSA, ISBN 0-8395-3105-2)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
D-A-S-H Water: Très Cher Très Chic
Q: Who spends $10.00 (plus
tax) for a bottle of water?
A: A Kardashian fan enjoying a close Kardashian encounter of the second kind.
Note: A Close Kardashian Encounter of
the First Kind is an encounter via the media (e.g. ancient or digital).
Close Kardashian Encounter of the Second Kind is an encounter via
product purchase (at a DASH store or online).
A Close Kardashian Encounter of the Third Kind is seeing any of
the Fab Four (Khloé, Kim, Kourtney, Kris) up close and personal.
Anyway, back to the water.
Last week a co-worker and I walked to DASH
NYC for a quickie lunchtime adventure.
We perused the wares, tried on garments, and chatted happily all the
while. I purchased a bottle of water with the DASH logo on the outside and a Khloé,
Kim, and Kourtney pic on the inside. Our
return to the office was nearly as much fun as the adventure. I showed off my water
bottle; and as I sipped the clean, clear, yummy H2O, I repeatedly expressed my
delight. Lots of laughter filled the
So… was my DASH water
worth $10.89 (tax included)? Yes indeed. A friendly lunchtime frolic with one
of my favorite co-workers, the protracted enjoyment of my Kardashian memento
(still not recycled), and the lighthearted energy that lingered was, without
doubt so worth it.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A Dazzling Patti Davis Poses Nude At 58
Patti Davis, the wild
child of Nancy and Ronald Reagan, posed nude for Playboy Magazine when she was 42 years old. Now, at a scrumptious
58, she’s posed in her still gorgeous birthday suit for More magazine. Davis, who was often at odds with her Conservative
parents, vocally supported gay rights, abortion rights, and her opposition to
nuclear weapons. She’s experienced her
trials and tribulations (more than most) and is surely a survivor and a
thriver. I
love you Patti Davis. You’re a Goddess
Click on the following link to read the entire story and to
see a little “more.” Patti Davis: My Body, Then and Now
Saturday, May 21, 2011
In The Bedroom With Dr. Laura Berman
Dr. Laura Berman of Oprah
fame is the now reigning It Girl of
contemporary sex and relationship therapy. She’s got credentials (LCSW, PhD),
experience (20 years), the looks and charm of a Goddess (innate), and a TV series
(In The Bedroom) on the Oprah Winfrey Network. The show, like
Dr. Berman’s books on sexual fitness and pleasure, is a treasure-trove of information
for guests and viewers open to suggestion. Guest couples receive a mindful
assessment of their challenges in the bedroom (and beyond) by an always
professional and reliably wise and sensitive therapist. There’s homework, then
follow up, and hopefully success. She shines her light on examples of typical
challenges that often wreak havoc on the intimacy shared (or not shared) by
couples of all ages and situations.
My husband and I had the
good fortune to appear on The Dr. Oz Show
with Dr. Berman for the finale of the National
Sex Experiment. Dr. Laura (as well
as Dr. Oz) are as delightful in person as they are on TV. Learning about relationships and sex, in the
comfort and privacy of your own home, has never been this meticulous or easy.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Searching For G - The Film And My Mission
Liz Topp, co-author of Vaginas: An Owner’s Manual
, is a delightful, witty writer who’s added delightful, witty filmmaker to her impressive list of creative credentials. Her documentary Searching for G (see side bar) is one of the Official Selections of the 2011 Newport Beach Film Festival.
![]() |
Venus G-Vibrator |
Whether or not the G-spot exists, the subject of Liz Topp’s film, remains to be experienced by this researcher. It’s a venture (or should I say adventure) I’m thoroughly looking forward to. Apparently one’s G-spot is located from one to three inches up the front vaginal wall somewhere between the vaginal opening and the urethra. Stimulation of this spot is said to lead to strong sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.
My first encounter with the Venus G was less than victorious. I lacked much needed anatomical preparation and, of course, the pressure was on to succeed. I’d hoped to tell Liz upon her return to NYC that I’d searched for and found G and it was right where it was supposed to be and worked just fine. I’m cool, confident, and ready for more work. Thanks Liz, thanks Dr. Laura. The Berman Venus G-Vibrator (as well as other fun toys and sexy products) can be discreetly purchased online at Be sure to check out the G-Spot Center for valuable information.
P.S. All links are in purple and are operable... click away.
P.S. All links are in purple and are operable... click away.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Be Safe Be Healthy Be Happy And Live With Ease
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~Marcel Proust
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Vintage Madonna –R And Unrated
Netflix refers to their
four-star offering Body of Evidence

two perfectly descriptive words: steamy and suspenseful. The film category, erotic thriller, is right
on for this hot and sticky who done it or didn’t flick. An ever sensual Madonna
plays the lead role of Rebecca Carlson, a powerful and irresistibly beautiful
woman on trial for murdering her rich, old lover. Her
defense attorney, played by Willem Dafoe, is by far sexier than in most of his
later roles. Joe Mantegna, the DA, is
convinced the cause of death was premeditated sex which rendered the old
geezer’s heart permanently out of order.
Body of Evidence, produced by Dino De Laurentiis and distributed by Metro-
Goldwyn-Mayer, was first released in 1993 with a censored R rating. The video
released some years later restored deleted scenes thus rendering the film even
hotter than the original. Although Roger Ebert considered this one his most hated
films, for reasons that escape me; this could become one of your favorites if
you enjoy real Hollywood movies with simulated
sex scenes galore that are steamy, steamy, steamy.
Madonna fans as well as court room drama fans
are urged to get their own copy of this film. It would look a lot more respectable
on the shelves of your home movie collection than well known X-rated films
such as Debbie Does Dallas
. The only
potential hitch for porn lovers RE: Body
of Evidence would be the wealth of story line and dialogue. There’s plenty
of salacious celebrity nudity… enough to make anyone wonder if body doubles
were used. It’s also a great compromise for couples in which a porn-phobic
partner would acquiesce and agree to watch a sexy, sexy, sexy mainstream (sort of) film.
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