Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hands Across The Sand – The Event

Four Soul Sisters (including me) participated in Hands Across The Sand, a global happening with a meeting point at High Line Park on the Chelsea Coast of Manhattan.  Joyce (the youngest) had to work. Debra (the next youngest a.k.a The Bird Nerd), Maryse (my Irish Twin), and Maryanda (the eldest) joined a hand-holding line of mostly-like minded others chanting Heal Mother Earth and Clean Energy Now.

At the appointed time (12:00 Noon) we became One with individuals around the world, separated only by time and space. We shared 15 minutes of healing, loving, and optimistic energy; and in so doing honored ourselves, our children, and our planet.

Photographers and writers were on the scene to capture the details.  We were told to look for something @ in about a week.

How cool was that on a very hot day in New York!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reunions A Go-Go

For reasons not yet clear, I’ve been organizing reunions of various groups of friends over the last few years. I began, of course, with the Ya Yas:  gal pals who pre-date even the first of us to have a bosom. Today was another really great reunion. I met two old friends and one new friend for breakfast and a whole lot more.

Keith was my first soul love. I knew him just as his Keith-ness was exploding into adolescence. Keith used to whistle at my window or toss a few pebbles to get my attention. He knew my parents and I knew his.  He knew my best friend and I knew his.  He gave me earrings for my Sweet Sixteen, little 14K gold flowers with Jade centerpieces.  I wore them today.  Honest to Goddess!

Lee was a college friend with whom I shared a love of musical theater. Neither of us was a star until I BECAME A STAR. He knew me when I was part of an ensemble group that included Ron Perlman of Hellboy fame and Joel Brooks of TV fame (HBO’s Six Feet Under being a favorite). The Mad Show was the musical highlight (actually the only light) of my performance career; and Lee is a witness to my stardom. He’s the STAR now and if he really reads my blog, I hope he’ll grace these humble e-pages with a plug about his literary and theatrical accomplishments.

Leslie (Keith’s wife) and I were meeting for the first time. It was pretty apparent that she provides Keith with a loving family life and for that, I love her a little more.

On the way home I bought a Lottery ticket; I was feeling lucky.  Later on, as always, my honey and I chatted and joked while we scratched the ticket. Much to our surprise and appreciation, we won $50.  

Needless to say, Winning New York Lottery Sex can be winningly fun.

I love today!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Graceful Exit

I came across the following bit of prose while attempting to rid myself of excess paper. I'm a little bit of a hoarder when it comes to the printed word;  I'm almost in need of an intervention. I didn't write the piece  but I've deemed it valuable enough to reprint here.  

There is a trick to the Graceful Exit.
It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, a relationship is over -- and let go.  
It means leaving what's  over without denying its validity or its past importance in our lives.
It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving on, rather than out.
It's hard to recognize that life isn't a holding action, but a process. It's hard to learn that we don't leave the best parts of ourselves behind. We own what we learned back there; the experiences are grafted onto our lives. And when we exit, we can take ourselves along -- quite gracefully.

Thank you Ellen Goodman (whoever you are)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hands Across The Sand Is Coming To A Beach Near You - June 26 11:00 AM

Hands Across the Sand is a movement made of people from all walks of life and crosses political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of our coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industry.  Let us share our knowledge, energies and passion for protecting all of the above from the devastating effects of oil drilling.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Solstice And Father’s Day

The Summer Solstice of 2010 is a major celestial event, the first official day of summer, and Father’s Day. It’s the longest day and the shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Ancient Pagans celebrated this time with bonfires when couples would leap through the flames, believing their crops would grow as high as the couples were able to jump (

At the Summer Solstice, the Sun and Earth align in such a way as to assist all growing things to come into their fullness. It is a time when Earth and all her inhabitants join in mutual celebration and a time of rejoicing for the blessings bestowed from the marriage of Heaven and Earth (

My Pre Solstice celebration began yesterday morning at a meditation with two favorite souls from My Soul Family (MSFF): a Medicine Woman and Yogi (what good fortune to have them in my life now). After the meditation, we each drew a card from an Osho Zen Tarot deck. I drew Change. The Medicine Woman drew Comparison. And the Yogi drew New Vision. Since We Are One, We understood our tri-fold message: to accept Change without Comparison and embrace New Vision with surrender and love.

Could the day get any better? Yes of course. Barbara, the closest person I have to an Earth Sister, invited me and mine to join her and hers in honor of her daughter’s graduation. There were no Father’s Day plates or napkins, but all father’s in attendance received recognition and the most delicious food and cake on the planet. And while I’m on the subject of Father’s Day, women who are in loving relationships with men that have fathered their children might consider offering Father’s Day Sex to deserving men. The only thing that could have made tonight superlative would be having that piece of blueberry cake Barbara offered, right about now.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birthday Sex

Lovers should always celebrate their special day by having Birthday Sex. In addition to selecting venue and format, the birthday gal or guy chooses style and sextras (see list below). Remember, mutuality is the key ingredient to success; and always be careful when playing with food to avoid choking. This is an ideal time to do something different, something special; something that will be memorable in a good way. Try the following ideas or concoct your own.

* The Edibles - Fruit Roll-Up, Hershey’s Kiss, Ice-Cream
* The Audios - New Age Music, Native American Flute, Chanting
* The Visuals - Candles, Neon Lights, Sexy Movie, The Food Network
* The Olfactories - Perfume, Incense, Scented Candles, Naturale
* The Toys & Games - Lubes, Vibrators, Wigs, Costumes
* Combos - Mix and Match sextras as desired

Couples who engage in Pre or Post Birthday Sex get extra credit. The number of days Pre or Post is variable.

Individuals who have no partner can and should be proud to have Solo Birthday Sex. After all, who knows better than you what you like, where, when, and for how long.

If the idea of Birthday Sex resonates with you, you should definitely start having Summer Solstice Sex ASAP.

Writer's Block

I’ve been suffering from a severe case of writer’s block. It’s not that I'm coming up short in the idea category. I have lots and lots of ideas. I just can’t seem to get it together long enough to translate my ideas into digitized pixels. Obviously, my stuff is getting in the way of being creative and productive. A Goddess, like everyone else, has stuff. I’ll be back after the Summer Solstice (tomorrow)… refreshed and renewed and unstuffed.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Empty Nest Undone

Imagine this:
* You’re alone in the house, blissfully tucked away in the love nest of your home, with your loved one.
* Intimate conversation is flowing.
* A scented candle delivers on its promise of an enchanting Caribbean Escape; the fragrance wafts sweetly through the ethers.
* Door of Faith, a Krishna Das cd, is the background music.
* Your heart is opening to the LOVE that surrounds you.
* Making sweet love, in such beautiful surroundings, is inevitable.
* The phone rings, a familiar ring tone: It’s your daughter calling from her cell.
* “There’s nothing to eat,” she exclaims, her voice filled with expectation.
* You tell her to boil a pot of water and call again when it’s ready for the next step.
* You have about fifteen minutes to regroup and re-enter family life downstairs.
Just as my honey and I were really, really, really enjoying an empty nest, our children returned home from school (one as a college grad). We are once again reminded of the law of impermanence. Life is about change. How we meet and greet the changes (especially the less fun ones) generally determine the quality of our life in the present. Fortunately, the return of our offspring is a good change (most of the time). Social events with our extended family of dear friends can now include our children. Young friends frequent our humble home in greater numbers than before. There’s still time for parental supervision and lessons laced with love. We are all adjusting. Life is GOOD.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still Here by Ram Dass

The sub title of Still Here  (Riverhead Books 2000) is Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying. At first glance, you might think this is a gloomy book for the sick or elderly, especially if you know nothing about the author.  Ram Dass, born Richard Alpert, is a Baby Boomer, Soul Seeker, and contemporary spiritual teacher. His earthly and divine connection to Neem Karoli Baba (his guru) and Krishna Das connect him to me on a soul level.  The book is about living life in the moment-to-moment beauty of the present (even under extremely challenging circumstances). RD writes with (and of) Soul Awareness and humor. Take this story, for example; it’s one of my favorites. It made me laugh and think.

        An older man is walking down the street one afternoon when he hears a voice saying, “Pssst – could ya help me out?” He looks around, but there’s nobody there. He starts to walk on, and again he hears, “Pssst – could ya help me out?” Once again he stops and looks around, and again, there’s nobody to be seen. But this time he looks more carefully, and happens to glance down at the sidewalk, where he sees a huge frog. Though he’s embarrassed to be talking to a frog, he asks: “Did you speak to me?”
Much to the man’s surprise, the frog answers: “Yes, indeed. Could ya help me out?”
The man is intrigued and asks, “Well, what do you want?”
The frog replies, “Well, I’m under a curse. If you would kiss me, I would be freed of the curse, and I would turn into a beautiful woman, who would love you and serve you. I would care for you, warm your bed, and make you so happy!”
The man stands for a moment, reflecting, and then picks up the frog, puts it into his pocket, and walks on. After a few minutes the frog says, “Hey! You forgot to kiss me.”
And the man says, “You know, at my age, I think it might be more interesting to have a talking frog.”

If given the opportunity to kiss or pocket a magic frog, what would you do?