The easiest situation to remedy is a partner with poor aim. What’s required is “Direction, Direction, Direction.” Some women take pity on a partner who aims to please but seems to miss the mark every time. They give up and either fake an orgasm (the pity orgasm) or they instruct their lover to stop trying. In either case, the result is no orgasm.
There are techniques that can be used to redirect your partner to the proper location or locations that feel good during intercourse or outercourse. Never allow a lover to keep going on a site that isn’t right. It’s like telling someone to scratch the center of your back and they scratch your head where it doesn’t itch. Here are some helpful hints:
Direct your lover as if he (or she) were playing a video game such as Ms. Pac-Man on your clitoris. Men, especially video game lovers, do well with this method. Whisper directives such as “to the left, to the right, higher, lower, faster, slower;” and keep going until you achieve success. A well thought out arsenal of instructive phrases (e.g. “more lube please”) and products (e.g. K-Y Intense) are strongly recommended. Come prepared (pun intended).
If you think a road image might yield a better result, say something like, “You’ve veered off course, you’re on the shoulder, get back on the road.”
Use whatever means it takes to get your partner to understand; and stay the course for as long as you can. Frustration is often best diffused with good humor and persistence. This is a learning process. Good luck.